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What We Offer


During the first consult, a full in-depth case history is taken and includes: Presenting complain, past medical, medication, family & social history, general information (sleep, diet, energy level etc.), a systematic review (including emotional and mental status and well-being). Underlying imbalances, broad patterns, health goals, and root causes of health issues are assessed. This will be followed by physical medical examinations, therapeutic guidance and advice, and a treatment plan. The patient will receive their individualized homeopathic remedies which may include other therapeutics such as bio-puncture, phytotherapeutics with an explanation on how to take them. If required Dr. Loonat will send the patient for laboratory studies to define the problem accurately, and will identify the need for referral of the patient to an appropriate physician for further treatment.


Follow-up consultations takes place at 2-4 week intervals. The frequency is not fixed and will depend on your response
to treatment. They last from 30-45 mins and gives Dr Loonat an opportunity to gain more information, assess your response to the
homeopathic medicine and re-prescribe if necessary. This may be a repeat of the same homeopathic medicine, a different
homeopathic medicine or no prescription if you are continuing to improve.


Dr. Loonat treats a wide variety of acute and chronic illnesses, and provides supportive and palliative treatment to long-term conditions including but not limited to: 

​Female & Male complaints
Endocrine and metabolic disorders
Gastrointestinal complaints
Mental health issues
Musculoskeletal conditions
Skin complaints
Neurological conditions 
Autoimmune conditions
Genitourinary conditions
Respiratory conditions
Heart conditions

General health check-up

Screening of:
Blood pressure
Blood glucose levels (By skin prick test)

Urine dipstick analysis 
Body mass index (BMI)



What is the bravest thing you've ever said? asked the boy

"Help", said the horse.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

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